• Question: You know how if you lie on your arm for too long in bed it can go all numb. Why does this happen?

    Asked by aimeej to Andrew, Daniel, Hayley, Natalia, Peta on 17 Nov 2011.
    • Photo: Peta Foster

      Peta Foster answered on 15 Nov 2011:

      When you put pressure on your arm, you restrict the blood supply to it and cut off the circulation to the nerves which supply the sensation. You might then find you get pins and needles as the sensation returns and the nerves all start firing again 🙂

    • Photo: Daniel Scully

      Daniel Scully answered on 16 Nov 2011:

      Peta’s answer is spot on. Restricting blood flow to any part of your body is never good.

    • Photo: Hayley Smith

      Hayley Smith answered on 17 Nov 2011:

      Yup, there’s the whole mass of yourself resting on your arm, in which there are lots of nerve cells. It’s really uncomfortable, isn’t it!

      You don’t get the same amount of effect in your feet though (even though you’re putting pressure through them whenever you’re standing up) because they don’t have as many nerve endings thereand it’s not so much of a restriction – however if your shoes are too tight then the same effect can occur!
