• Question: What is the meaning of life? is it really 42?

    Asked by lizziemuir to Andrew, Daniel, Hayley, Natalia, Peta on 25 Nov 2011.
    • Photo: Hayley Smith

      Hayley Smith answered on 16 Nov 2011:

      Hmm, good question… I think many people have been thinking about this question for years and many have tried to attact it from different directions, science, religion, politics, all sorts…

      I don’t really know though, I’m afraid. I’m only 24 and my own, personal, view (or hope) is that it may be apparent as I become older! Although I’m not holding out too much hope…! So I’m just going along with the opinion that I should try and enjoy as much of life as possible and allow others to do the same.

      Hopefully that’s not too soppy. I don’t really have any scientific-y answer though I’m afraid… but it could be 42, who knows!

    • Photo: Daniel Scully

      Daniel Scully answered on 16 Nov 2011:

      Science is a very powerful way of studying and understanding out Universe and how it works, but it doesn’t hold the answer to everything… the meaning of life is one of those things.

      I think life would be a lot less interesting if we knew the answers to such questions.

    • Photo: Andrew Cairns

      Andrew Cairns answered on 16 Nov 2011:

      I think if you worry about these too much, you may waste having fun in life! Yes science has many answers about the universe, but we do not really understand how humans think, emotions, personality and individuality very well at all.

      Live every day to the full, take care of yourself and be happy! There’s nothing quite like sky-diving, white water rafting, walks along a frozen beach (and many other things) to make you feel alive!

    • Photo: Peta Foster

      Peta Foster answered on 25 Nov 2011:

      So i think everyone comes to terms with what they believe is their own meaning but in my life I think the meaning of life is to live as good a life as possible and to be a good person and this in itself will bring about happiness 😀 . Being compassionate, patient, kind, caring, loving, ethical and responsible all feel great overall, even though they can feel difficult to do sometimes when we get caught up in life’s stresses.

      I think the 42 is probably the average age where people realise that the meaning of life isn’t money or possessions 😉 it’s the development of a big heart and a peaceful happy mind. 😀 It is challenging though but really rewarding 🙂 Good luck on your own quest 😀
