• Question: it's not actually true that when you pluck out one grey hair that 2 more grow back after woulds? because how can 2 hairs grow out of one follicle ? xxx

    Asked by kiki97 to Andrew, Daniel, Hayley, Natalia, Peta on 16 Nov 2011.
    • Photo: Daniel Scully

      Daniel Scully answered on 16 Nov 2011:

      Your right. You’ll often also hear people say that shaving makes hair grow back thicker. But this, like your example, is an urban myth and there is no scientific evidence to back it up.

    • Photo: Peta Foster

      Peta Foster answered on 16 Nov 2011:

      I have also heard this but i believe it not to be true. 😀

    • Photo: Andrew Cairns

      Andrew Cairns answered on 16 Nov 2011:

      Have never read anything about this being true or false, but like cows lying down when it is going to rain, it is probably a myth.

      For lots of common misconceptions, see:


    • Photo: Hayley Smith

      Hayley Smith answered on 16 Nov 2011:

      Yes, I believe this not to be true either – as far as I am aware one hair to one folicle.
      Got to love the urban myths though!
