• Question: How do you get around? Bus, car, something?

    Asked by alexandermca to Andrew, Daniel, Hayley, Natalia, Peta on 21 Nov 2011.
    • Photo: Hayley Smith

      Hayley Smith answered on 18 Nov 2011:

      I live 40miles away from where I work (and there are no suitable trains that wouldn’t involve 3 changes and a 2hr journty) so I get to enjoy the 80mile round trip drive every day 🙂 it’s actually quite relaxing (although I appreciate it’s not great for the environment, but I did feel a bit bad about it so I traded in my car for a new model that is really quite efficient and has very low emissions, so I feel slightly more happy!)
      But at the weekends I try to walk as many places as possible, it’s more convenient for where I live and I’m pretty much bored of driving by the weekend anyway!

    • Photo: Andrew Cairns

      Andrew Cairns answered on 18 Nov 2011:

      Oxford is a really small, flat city, so the bicycle is the best way to get around. I live about 10 minute cycle from the city centre so it is very easy. Almost every student here has a bicycle, the city is covered in them! Oxford is often said to be the ‘least car friendly city in the UK’ as everyone is encouraged to leave their car outside the city and take the bus in. In fact, Oxford was the first city with a park-and-ride system, which is very popular.

    • Photo: Daniel Scully

      Daniel Scully answered on 18 Nov 2011:

      I do own a car but I bike into work.

      I enjoy the fresh air and getting my blood pumping first thing in the morning – helps me wake up and be ready for work.

    • Photo: Peta Foster

      Peta Foster answered on 21 Nov 2011:

      I drive to work each day and often give lifts to other experimenters who need to get to the lab 🙂
